ECI extends Time Of Polling In Telangana by One Hour In Over 100 Assembly Segments

eci extends-time-of-polling-in telangana by-one-hour-in-over-100-assembly-segments

Election Commission of India has extended the time of polling by one hour in over 100 Assembly segments in the limits of 17 Lok Sabha constituencies in the state. The polling will be conducted from 7 AM to 6 PM. The ECI gave its permission to this extent to the request made by Chief Electoral Officer of Telangana Vikas Raj. With this, except in Left Wing affected segments, remaining 106 Segments will have polling till 6 PM. Earlier, the CEO informed the media that a request to extend the polling timings till 6 PM has been sent to the ECI following requests made by almost all major political parties in the state.

Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).

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