Coal Ministry Reviews Status Of Captive And Commercial Coal Mines


Additional Secretary of Coal Ministry, M. Nagaraju chaired a crucial meeting to review the status of ‘producing and expected to produce’ and ‘Non-Operational’ captive and commercial coal mines in New Delhi. The comprehensive review focused on highlighting the government’s commitment to enhancing domestic coal production.

During the meeting, Mr. Nagaraju appreciated the efforts of all the allottees for increased coal production and advised them to put in further efforts to achieve the committed coal production targets of Financial Year 2024-25. Additional Secretary further impressed upon the allottees to take necessary steps to operationalise the coal blocks that are in advanced stages of operationalisation.

Ministry of Coal said that as of 30th of last month, 54 captive and commercial coal mines are under production out of which 32 mines are allocated to the power sector, 12 to non-regulated sector and 10 mines are allocated for sale of coal. Eleven mines are expected to commence coal production in Financial Year 2025. 

Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).

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