India’s Equity Benchmark Indices Sensex and Nifty lost nearly one per cent and Closed weak amid Broad-based selling today. The BSE Sensex slashed 693 points, or 0.87 per cent, to close at 78,956. The NSE Nifty lost 208 points, or 0.85 per cent, to close at 24,139.
In the Global Crude Market, Brent Crude is trading at 82.24 Dollars per Barrel, WTI Crude was trading at 80 and dollars and eight cents per Barrel, when reports last came in. In the Indian Bullion Market, at 4:05 PM the 24 Karat Gold is trading at 70,680 Rupees for 10 Grams, Silver 999 Fine, is trading at 81,430 per kilogram.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).